Wednesday 23 April 2014

T is for Tom

Tom shook his head and chose to smile as Gil’ seemed so worried. “It’s nothing,” he lifted his drink to his lips adding as casually as he could manage, “A guy came onto me last night.”

          Gil’ laughed. Tom frowned glaringingly at him. Thanks a lot.

          “So…that led you into assessing your life did it, huh? You’re a weird one Tom. You go back with him?” Gil asked, raising his eyebrows.

          Choosing to shake his head emphatically Tom answered him, “No way. First of all he was drunk, second of all he wanted a one night stand.”

          “You’ve never been one for that,” Gil’ mused, referencing some of their nights out together and the occasional guy who came Tom’s way. Tom somehow bypassed the memories and lifted his shoulders again, sighing in the movement.

          “Now I find myself thinking about the guy.”

          Gil’ looked as though he were watching something far off in the distance. Whatever it was seemed to be fascinating in the least. Though perhaps he had been thinking as Gil’ then queried, “What was he like, nice looking?”

          Thinking back on it, yeah he was alright. Big. “Yeah, worth a look or two.” Tom agreed. Being good-looking didn’t mean…did it matter? Tom sighed inwardly and smiled. No not really. Nothing wrong with liking someone.

          “Where were you? What pub?” Gil’ helpfully added.

          “The local.”

          “I’ll bet you,” Gil’ paused, moving his lips soundlessly and bobbing his head as he likely worked something out. “A night in your local that the next time you’re both in there you won’t introduce yourself.”

          Tom blew air through his lips. Yeah right. If anything that was probably the last thing he would do. Gil’ laughed at him. “What? You don’t have the guts?”

          There was a twinkle in his eye. Clearly joking. However…Tom groaned.

          “Alright. You’re on.”

          “Great. I’ll give you a month from now.” He smiled cheekily. “Otherwise I win by default.”

          Tom found himself shaking his head even though a grin was spreading itself across his face. “Hope you can stump up the cash. I’ll have fun spending your money, Gil’.”

          Gil’ put his head back when he laughed. He didn’t say anything though and just kept walking.

Tom, found in 'Tom' working title.
Gil', long term friend of Tom, found in 'Tom' working title.

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