Thursday 17 April 2014

O is for Order

Within Enfractu there is ‘The Order’. It is a system of angelkind who preside over the city as a protective form. They fill a role (In Earth terms) of the police and the army. There are various members which are met directly within Enfractu such a Remus.

          Their most talked of role in the book is the Front Line which is a break in the realms dividing demons and angels. They battle constantly at the Front Line without much rest. The Order takes it in shifts, never leaving the place unguarded.
          Another place that they are seen most often is at the Waterfront. It’s a great gathering place where a lot of trading is done. There are many exits and entrances which need guarding as much of those lead into more unsavoury parts of the city.

The Order, a system of protectors taking the role of police and army, found in Enfractu.

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