Monday 21 April 2014

R is for Romulus and Remus

Romulus and Remus are almost identical twins with the exception of their eye colour. Twins are very rare in the angel world and are generally seen as a bad omen.

          Romulus is a healer and works in the Healer’s Sanctuary. He is the ‘head healer’ within his work and it keeps him quite busy.

          Remus’ role is in The Order, he shares the responsibility of being their leader.

          They are both serious individuals but whilst Romulus is mostly personable and is quite easy going, Remus is very much the opposite. He has a volatile personality and little tolerance for those he sees as trouble makers.

          The twins also do not often get on with each other. Romulus can be easily rattled by his brother’s attitude toward things and will tend to argue with Remus though he tries simply to calm his brother’s demeanour if he catches it early enough.
          In the past Remus did take some joy in enticing Romulus to argument. He is now a strict believer in discipline and order and does try more often to not ignite his brother’s anger though the temptation does overtake him at times.

Romulus, healer, twin.
Remus, member of The Order, twin.
Praesa, also known as Phoenix, lord, governer and protector of Frellick.
All found in Enfractu.

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