“May I request information?” Zacharius asked of the angels in front of him.
“That is allowed. We will not reveal our knowledge of that
which you seek until your questions have been asked. We have until sundown.”
“Thank you angel.” So many questions, where to begin? “Your
Labyrinth was said to be impenetrable. How is it that the demons broke
“They were led by a demon whose power rivaled that of our Praesa.
It knew of things it should not. Our defences did not last.”
“Do you know why the demon knew such knowledge?”
“We do not. It was an abomination, a demon lived at its
heart yet the creature was deformed. That may have been one of many reasons.”
“The defences in place now. The wall I passed through to
enter your Labyrinth, the guardians and the feathers. Were they placed after
they broke through?”
“Yes. The wall to halt their army, the guardians to protect
the survivors. The feathers to hold tis place from them. Our Praesa’s sacrifice
before she fell.”
“The room before the final guardian, a similar power-cast
was used there which was placed at the Labyrinth’s entrance?”
“Yes. Many fell in the attempt to use it. It was the Sleep
of Angels.”
“And the guardian at the entrance to the high stone pass,
was that so that angelkind could travel across without fear of pursuit?”
“The guardian was placed before the Confining was cast.
Angelkind flew across after destroying the platform. The guardian held for a
time before it fell.”
“The other defences held them back?”
“And protected the survivors.”
“Could you clarify?”
“The first wall defence held the army back. The guardians
there after protected the survivors until those inside broke through them. The
last Sleep of Angels was cast but after the abomination completed the symbols
of the traveller’s door. The door was destroyed after and those remaining
completed the power-cast. The abomination killed our Praesa after the guardian
was set. In her death she released the library of feathers, once the guardian
failed our feathers smote it down. The guardians are part of a power-cast sealed
within the light, it rebuilds our power-casts over time.”
Zacharius paused. ‘We', ‘our’. Not ‘me’, ‘mine’. What was
the angel? “What are you?”
“This body holds the knowledge of the library. Those that
you see here have divided knowledge of our history.”
“I understand. What happened to your Praesa’s body and the
“The Praesa was carried within the feather shield until the
demons had died or been killed. Once gone volunteers took her to the Hall of
Meeting. They lay her at the head of her seat and buried her there.
The abomination was taken using the transport power-cast to
the chasm, it was cast down into it and there it lay until only the bones were
“What was your Praisa’s name?”
“Saisa?” Something stirred in his memory. “There is a
reading of Saisa, a scroll in our Elders’ library. Is Saisa the author of that
“It begins ‘My children of light shall never fall,’?”
“She is the author.”
Saisa, a Fire angel born from a long line of Fire angels
and a relation of Phoenix.
“Is it possible for you to record information?”
“If it is deemed to be of importance.”
“Saisa had children who must have left the Labyrinth and
settled somewhere else, records have been located by our historians. My Praesa
is a descendant of her line. Her children continue to live.”
“We deem this worthy to be recorded.”
“Thank you.”
Zacharius, nephili, found in Enfractu
Phoenix, lord, governor and protector of Frellick, found in Enfractu.
Saisa, lady, governor and protector of the Labyrinth, relation of Phoenix, found in Enfractu.
Praesa, title of the governor, protector, lord or lady of their city or area. Term found in Enfractu.
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