Friday, 25 April 2014

V is for Vistu

"Vistu I doubt my way. I feel...forsaken by my task in this realm and by you. I am lost." He hesitated as moisture coated his eyes and slipped through. Zacharius stopped until he felt his speech wouldn't be impeded and then continued determinedly. "The greatest thing of all that I doubt, Vistu, is that I did not do the right thing when I met Renial. I do not doubt that he needed to be turned to our side and help us in our fight, instead I doubt the way it was done. I doubt the way his return had to be conducted as well. I researched the old ways, the form of turning that the Elders attempted in the past and thought that I was doing the right thing as was guided by you. Now I wish I had done things differently Vistu. There was so much pain and torture in the turning, no care was there until the more angelic life asserted itself. not know how to move passed this doubt and continue on my way. The relationship between Renial and myself is irrevocable and he trusts very few beyond Nyree Leteph and Bell, the Praesa's daughter." Zacharius felt a tightening in his features as more came to him to say and he spoke them softly, whispering as he had started. "I do not ask for his trust or his friendship. It is for him to give to who he deems worthy. I only ask that there be an opportunity between us to simply improve what is already there."
 Zacharius continued voicing his doubts long into the night attempting to expel the guilt and doubt which had weighed him down for a longer time than he wished to acknowledge. As he slowed down and drew himself to a stop he opened his eyes not feeling lighter but assuringly less alone. He wiped at his eyes and cheeks as he stood on his feet and bowed over. "Ersin, Vistu," he thanked, bowing lower as he turned and took himself from the small chapel.

Vistu, divine being of Frellick, found in Enfractu.
Zacharius, nephili, found in Enfractu.
Renial, demon, found in Enfractu.
Nyree, nephili, found in Enfractu.
Bell, angel, daughter of Phoenix the Praesa, found in Enfractu.
Praesa, aka Phoenix, lord, governor and protector of Frellick, found in Enfractu.

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