turned on his heel to begin walking back along the path he had been treading
for the last hour but this time something had him stop and turn brandishing his
weapon. "Who goes there!" He growled in a menacing voice, the way it
always went when raising his voice. A figure stood on the other side of the
compound draped in shadow with a sword in its sheath hanging loosely at his
side. Erin couldn't make him out from where they both were stood but something
had him drop his rifle and position it back onto his shoulder.
The two looked at each other and
didn't move for many long minutes. Erin's breaths in his chest were gradually
growing shallower, especially as, for the first time since his awakening, he
felt his heartbeat.
It was dark and cold, the cold was
pressing in on him as it always did, mist was draping the expanse between them
and Erin was beginning to feel a longing he hadn't been aware he possessed. It
must have been an eerie scene to anyone's eyes, something likened to two
brothers meeting after an exceedingly long separation. Erin took a step
forward, his gun was still relaxed on his shoulder and after the other took a
step they both took a further one.
There were few lights in this area but
gradually both of their faces were revealed, Erin's with his right eye
bandaged, that said bandage was layered through his black, softly spiked hair
and the other man with his left eye sewn neatly shut. He had light brown hair
draping down to brush against the forementioned eye. Erin knew that face, it
was hidden somewhere between forgetting and memory.
"Erin."Erin, Soldier for higher, found in 'Erin's Tale' working title.
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